
Supplementaries for Minecraft 1.19.1

Supplementaries screenshot 1Supplementaries for Minecraft 1.19.1 is a global Forge modification that can add various blocks missed in vanilla. Many of you may have noticed that the Minecraft game world has very few decorative blocks that can be used for creating interior designs. So, download this mod and you will be able to greatly expand the range of these blocks. 

Supplementaries screenshot 2

This mod will make your buildings look completely different – they will take on a new life. The mod is used by a lot of players, and it has been downloaded from the official website more than 19 million times. Accordingly, this mod is often updated, and the developers try to add more interesting blocks for your interior design. Also, the mod is updated so that it runs on the newest versions of the game.

Supplementaries screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Supplementaries mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (4)

natsya312083 25/05/2023 14:38
0 0
очень крутой мод

ArseniiPRO102 03/09/2022 10:18
0 0
классный мод!

NegaTiVpro22 01/09/2022 18:26
0 0
мод очень клевый , всем советую !

MaxWarior888 30/08/2022 20:00
0 0