
Port Discs for Minecraft 1.19.2

PortDiscs  screenshot 1If the musical component in the game plays an important role for you, then we suggest you install Port Discs for Minecraft. What’s peculiar about this add-on is that it allows you to listen to numerous interesting musical compositions without any problems. 

PortDiscs  screenshot 2

What’s more, each of them will be unique and give unforgettable emotions. Currently, there are 15 discs, but the author plans to add more content in the future. Meanwhile, you have to take advantage of the already existing options to have a good time and set off on a new adventure. We wish you good luck and success in your game!

PortDiscs  screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Port Discs mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (1)

danielandrewson 29/12/2022 06:54
0 0
why is it fabric