
Upgraded Netherite Ultimerite for Minecraft 1.19.4

Upgraded Netherite Ultimerite screenshot 1We continue to expand your possibilities of using equipment. In this regard, we invite you to install Upgraded Netherite Ultimerite for Minecraft, which allows you to take advantage of a whole collection of new equipment marked Ultimate. 

Upgraded Netherite Ultimerite screenshot 2

In addition to this newly added equipment, you will transform the existing armor options, which you will significantly improve to enjoy the increased power. However, you have to make a lot of effort and accumulate a lot of valuable resources to use the new armor options. So, implement your plans and do your best to succeed. We wish you all the best and a pleasant game!

Upgraded Netherite Ultimerite screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Upgraded Netherite Ultimeritemod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (7)

AVERAGEHUMAN123 05/02/2024 09:19
0 1
wow, so cool

Roostedpig 01/02/2024 16:39
1 0
hi good mod

YAROSLAV3008 17/01/2024 16:36
0 3

271427 29/12/2023 07:32
0 2
незнаю он уменя не загружается

Sunitakujur 26/01/2024 15:05
0 0
@271427, Sunitakujur

muro77777 21/12/2023 18:28
2 8
он очень хороший скин прям бомба

HopiDal 20/12/2023 06:18
1 4
мод просто свал бошки!