
Security Craft for Minecraft 1.20.2

Security Craft screenshot 1The world of Minecraft often introduces creatures that can steal stuff from the player’s chests. This problem is common in multi-player mode. Do you want to add a way to protect resources and items from theft?

Security Craft screenshot 2

In this case, we invite you to install Security Craft for Minecraft 1.20.2, which adds new storage blocks with increased security. The modification adds a safe chest and other blocks (for example, a door). Thanks to the newly added door, the player can set a password on the lock so other players cannot use it. Many other blocks are no less effective since the player can use them to create a safe building (or secure area) that no one can penetrate.

Security Craft screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Security Craft mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (15)

Afmking14 24/04/2024 08:04
2 1
omg is very good or no

mvgaming12345 14/04/2024 11:05
2 0
aku sayang kamu ko ja syang

DalapTheDuck 15/03/2024 12:40
1 1
Bruv doesnt launchs for m

Clarencioxdd 29/02/2024 21:46
1 4
bro the chipi chapa chapa is dead

parteek2012 19/02/2024 18:13
3 3
chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daba magico mi dubi dubi bom bom bom bom

parteek2012 19/02/2024 18:11
1 0

aitor3011 23/01/2024 17:11
2 2

arthurdsgamer 23/01/2024 00:39
0 4
muito bom senha pa tudo

arthurdsgamer 23/01/2024 00:39
0 4
muito bom senha pa tudo

fisiek123 22/01/2024 18:31
2 1

fisiek123 22/01/2024 18:31
3 1

Sanek202112 20/01/2024 14:59
2 1

Sanek202112 20/01/2024 14:59
2 1

Sanek202112 20/01/2024 14:59
2 0

Sanek202112 20/01/2024 14:59
2 0