Cael’s Capes for Minecraft 1.21.3
Feel free to install Cael’s Capes for Minecraft and get many capes you can use in the launcher. You can customize them using various textures by highlighting your character. The main thing is that the mod works on almost any Minecraft server.
That is why it is one of the most popular modifications and allows players to choose capes quickly and customize them as they see fit. Moreover, the mod implies convenient integration inside the launcher and does not require any third-party libraries or authorization from the user. This feature will surely appeal to those who want to have a good time.
How to install the modification:
First step: download and install Fabric и Fabric API.
Second step: download the mod file.
Third step: copy Cael’s Capes mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).
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