Brutal Bosses – Dungeon Bosses for Minecraft 1.21
It’s time to embark on an exciting adventure and gain maximum pleasure from your adventure. In this regard, we invite you to pay attention to Brutal Bosses – Dungeon Bosses for Minecraft.
As you may have guessed, this mod introduces various improvements associated with the appearance of even more powerful creatures that won’t be inferior in strength to bosses and will probably help you get a new survival experience. All the newly added enemies will have a progressive development model and cause you to fear the unknown. We wish you good luck and all the best in your future adventure!
How to install the modification:
First step: download and install Fabric и Fabric API.
Second step: download the mod file.
Third step: copy Brutal Bosses – Dungeon Bosses mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).
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