
MineSafety for Minecraft 1.7.10

MineSafety 1.7.10 screenshot 1There is a new MineSafety mod for 1.7.10 version devoted to a very important topic that concerns each player.

This is the topic of the safety of players who go down in the mines. At any time, the stones of different sizes can fall on you, ranging from small to large ones. And that's dangerous enough. Therefore, there are measures and special clothing for protection. In this case, it is mandatory to wear a helmet when visiting both deep and not very deep mines. The author of the mod added a special device that fixes the moments of danger using red colour.

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Minecraft Forge (In the launcher you can select the version with it).

Second step: download the modification.

Third step: copy the package MineSafety in section .minecraft/mods (if this folder does not exist, install Rift again or create it yourself).


Comments (11)

marcao0017v 26/10/2020 16:10
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sou novato no mine mas sei todos os craft

Pruthvi_27 19/08/2020 13:19
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hello i am new here can someone teach me what to do for play game i installed java,but i can play

maxpro4725 11/07/2020 03:33
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hola que pasa gente

SAKURAchan8901 14/06/2020 15:36
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Мод плохой.И какие камни ищё вы что сошли ссума??

AdxFrostezz 28/04/2020 09:22
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Nice Mod I'am Playing On MC 1.7 Because Nostalgia

Green_Sun_ 18/04/2020 19:53
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SladeSnake 31/10/2019 00:20
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just click download LOL you dumb dump oh

asmugen1 15/10/2019 16:46
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men 3rpy

moazhamdy 13/10/2019 13:40
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man talk

moazhamdy 13/10/2019 13:39
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man talk

moazhamdy 13/10/2019 13:38
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how download