
Giant Wolves for Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.16

Giant Wolves screenshot 1Quite often, players tamed wolves but subsequently lost their pets in combat. The problem is that wolves are not such strong creatures and can sometimes die due to carelessness. And to get rid of this, it will be enough to take advantage of the Giant Wolves add-on for Minecraft. 

The uniqueness of this improvement lies in the fact that it offers as pets quite large specimens that can now stand up for themselves. They will please you with their size, classic behavior model, and good survival potential. All this will allow you to achieve a favorable result and become many times better than before.

Giant Wolves screenshot 2

Installing Giant Wolves:

The first step is to run the downloaded file and import the addon/texture into MCPE.

Second step: open Minecraft Pocket Edition and go to the settings of the world.

Third step: install the imported resource sets and add-ons for the world.

Step four: select the imported resource packages/add-on in each section and restart the mobile client.


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