
Golem Heart's for Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.18

Golem Heart's screenshot 1Golem Heart’s for Minecraft PE 1.18 is a small modification that makes golems look different by adding 6 new types of these unique mobs. Each golem will have an unusual appearance and its own distinctive features. This will slightly diversify the game world, which is rather poor in mobs.

Golem Heart's screenshot 2

The amethyst golem is the strongest due to its high damage. It can deal 82 units of damage per hit. But due to its large size, it will rarely attack you. Its arm is so heavy that it is difficult for the golem to lift it. This golem does not have much health, only 95 units. In terms of these characteristics, it is in second place. You can meet it in all biomes where vanilla animals usually spawn. You can also find the copper golem, ice golem, golden golem, and some others.

Golem Heart's screenshot 3

Installing Golem Heart's:

The first step is to run the downloaded file and import the addon/texture into MCPE.

Second step: open Minecraft Pocket Edition and go to the settings of the world.

Third step: install the imported resource sets and add-ons for the world.

Step four: select the imported resource packages/add-on in each section and restart the mobile client.


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