Separated Leaves for Minecraft 1.20.4

Separated Leaves screenshot 1Separated Leaves for Minecraft 1.20.4 is a minor mod pack that changes the behavior of leaves. You probably have noticed that leaves may appear on any wooden log, regardless of its species. This unusual feature can sometimes lead to chaos when cutting different trees in mixed forests. This mod changes the rules, allowing the leaves to stick to logs of the appropriate type. 


Planting Dirt for Saplings for Minecraft 1.20.4

Planting Dirt for Saplings screenshot 1Do you need a lot of wood but have no forest nearby? Does tree planting take you a lot of time? We invite you to install Planting Dirt for Saplings for Minecraft 1.20.4, which adds one block. However, that’s not a simple block because it opens new opportunities. 


Ping Wheel for Minecraft 1.20.4

Ping Wheel screenshot 1Ping Wheel for Minecraft 1.20.4 is a specific modification that introduces a well-designed tool that will be extremely simple and user-friendly. More precisely, the mod pack adds “pings.” These signals can help you transmit information to other players quickly and efficiently. 


Embeddium for Minecraft 1.20.4

Embeddium screenshot 1Do you want to increase game performance and improve the compatibility of various add-ons? Take advantage of Embeddiumt for Minecraft 1.20.4, designed to create comfortable conditions. The modification can help you improve game performance when using many mod packs and enhance their compatibility. 


Axiom for Minecraft 1.20.4

Axiom screenshot 1Axiom for Minecraft 1.20.4 is a specific modification that adds special tools, allowing the player to quickly and efficiently perform particular actions. The main innovation is the addition of a unique mode, which will improve the construction process. 


Rotten Leather for Minecraft 1.20.4

Rotten Leather screenshot 1Rotten flesh is almost useless in the game because if you eat it, you will receive an unfavorable effect of hunger. Do you want to add a helpful mechanic that allows you to recycle rotten flesh? We invite you to pay attention to Rotten Leather for Minecraft 1.20.4, which will add these mechanics to the game. 


Applied Energistics 2 for Minecraft 1.20.4

Applied Energistics 2 screenshot 1Applied Energistics 2 for Minecraft 1.20.4 is a rather complex technical mod that can be an excellent solution for mastering complex processes and mechanics in the game. The mod adds unique devices to build specific mechanics that help you obtain energy to perform some actions. The modification also introduces new-level generation options.


Infinity Cave for Minecraft 1.20.4

Infinity Cave screenshot 1Do you think the Nether world is empty and boring? Do you need more exclusive properties? Therefore, we invite you to install Infinity Cave for Minecraft 1.20.4, which can make the Nether world look bright and saturated with colors. 


Seven Seas for Minecraft 1.20.4

Seven Seas screenshot 1Seven Seas for Minecraft 1.20.4 is an add-on to the main When Dungeons Arise mod, but the player can also use it separately. The mod adds several unique locations to the game world. These new locations include large ships and underwater dungeons. 


Better Enchanted Books for Minecraft 1.20.4

Better Enchanted Books screenshot 1Better Enchanted Books for Minecraft 1.20.4 is a mod pack that adds helpful features to improve enchanted books. Besides, you can use this client mod on servers without additional installations. One of the main functions of this mod is to sort enchantments in a tooltip.
