Special Offer for Minecraft Server Administrators
To mark the popular sale holiday on 11.11, we decided to hold a mind-blowing promotion for all Minecraft game server admins! What we offer is a good discount for placing advertisements in TLauncher , while providing simple and quickly implemented conditions.
This special offer has several stages. For each completed stage, you get a certain percentage of the discount. When you complete all stages, you get the maximum discount!
Stage 1 (5% discount):
Use your server’s official website to place a link to www.tlauncher.org and name it “Download Launcher”, “Download TLauncher”, or “Minecraft Launcher”. You need to place the link in the visible part of the site (when you open the site without scrolling),
You also have to write a post about TLauncher in your VK public and add a link to its official website: www.tlauncher.org. It’s up to you to decide what to write about. At the same time, we recommend writing it in the form of a guide: How to play on the server, TLauncher for Minecraft, etc.
Stage 2 (5% discount):
Firstly, place a guide on “How to install Skins” on your server’s official website
Secondly, post an article with a guide on “How to install HD Capes”
Links to these pages should be in the visible part of the site (when you open the site without scrolling). You can edit the finished text if you want. The main thing is not to change the essence.
Stage 3 (5% discount):
Register your server in monitoring: https://tmonitoring.com/ and place a button on your server page, in any part of your site. Besides, ask users to vote for your server so that it rises to the TOP!
Additional 5% discount
Servers that have never ordered advertising in TLauncher can count on an additional 5% discount if the above conditions are met!
Let’s summarize:
After completing all the steps, you can get a maximum discount of 15% on your advertising payment! And new servers can get up to 20%!
How to get a discount:
Fulfill the conditions of the special offer and write to our manager in VK: Manager (we do not use any other pages). To receive a discount, you only have to send a link to your website that meets all the conditions.
Terms of promotion:
1) The promotion period is from 11/11/2022 to 12/11/2022 (extended, current promotion).
2) Any Minecraft game servers can take part in the promotion.
3) The discount is valid for any type of advertising (main page + tab).
4) The period of advertising at a discount is unlimited.
5) Your server has its official website.
6) Your server has its official VK public.
7) Refunds are not provided when paying for advertising at a discount.
8) You are entitled to a discount even after the end of the promotion: subject to the purchase of advertising during the promotion period. Besides, the above-mentioned items must be active on your website.
9) The discount cannot be used later/applied to another project/site or transferred to another owner. The discount is tied exclusively to one site and its administrator who makes an order during the promotion period.
10) Learn more about advertising in TLauncher: https://tlauncher.org/en/ads-tlauncher.html
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