
How to Install Minecraft 1.19 Snapshots in TLauncher

minecraft 1.19 snapshot Screenshot 1
What are snapshots for? Thanks to them, one can play yet unreleased versions of the game. The snapshots do not guarantee that you will see all their content in a final release. But it is assumed that it will feature similar or identical add-ons. These snapshots are frequently updated following news about a particular version. In the 1.19 version, special attention has been paid to biomes, so it was called The Wild Update.

minecraft 1.19 snapshot Screenshot 2

Download TLauncher for MC 1.19

Download (Windows)

Download (Linux/MacOS)

In this update, several new mobs will be added to the game, which will not only feature an uncommon appearance but also differ in terms of behavior. Can’t wait to see all this? Thanks to the snapshots, you will be able to do that. By default, they are disabled, so you need to open the TLauncher settings in the lower right corner. A new window with settings will open. At the top of the screen, find the Show Snapshots checkbox. After selecting it, you will turn the snapshots on. Then you should save the chosen parameters — otherwise, they will not be activated.

minecraft 1.19 Snapshot Screenshot 3

The snapshots are in the version selection drop-down list. After selecting the desired snapshot, you can start installing it. After that, the game will be automatically launched, and you will be able to appreciate the potential updates of the 1.19 version. The recent available snapshot is 1.19-pre4.

minecraft 1.19 Snapshot Screenshot 4

Comments (28)

Miguel_HD_BR 01/05/2024 17:39
0 0
é, vejo rumores de um tal SpyWare, mas se ele estivesse na minha máquina, eu já saberia, kk.

quackidylackidy 05/12/2022 14:02
0 0
Tlauncher is great, definitely not spyware! I've heard rumors, but i don't believe it. This definitely doesn't have spyware, I sure do love my device safe and sound with this pirated minecraft

FrostedDXCM 20/10/2022 09:46
0 0
Hey Join now 1.17.1 cracked bosspro102.aternos.me

ladiosarikki 16/10/2022 17:55
0 0
no me abre el 1.17

ZinniaHellebore 14/10/2022 23:21
0 0
¿Cuándo agregarán la 1.19.30 al launcher?

ZinniaHellebore 14/10/2022 23:21
0 1
¿Cuándo agregarán la 1.19.30 al launcher?

KARAG777 14/10/2022 09:59
0 2
у меня не тянет комп

DragonbornAtDawn 10/08/2022 21:09
0 0
Why can you not view your favorited mods anymore?

shirakink3333 08/08/2022 09:43
0 0

Mr_Pixel45 31/07/2022 17:26
0 0
21W10D ليش هاذا الاصدار مايشتغل

Mr_Pixel45 31/07/2022 17:26
0 0
21W10D ليش هاذا الاصدار مايشتغل

toxicmaxic 09/07/2022 10:20
0 0
Привет! Обновите версию FORGE до: 41.06.64, некоторые моды требуют загрузки этой версии, включая вспомогательный мод, что делает невозможной игру с вашими любимыми модами и может привести к неудобной игре. Заранее благодарю вас и отдельно благодарю за качественный лаунчер для "Пиратского" майнкрафта. :) Hi! Update the FORGE version to: 41,06,64 some mods require downloading this version, including an auxiliary mod, which makes it impossible to play with your favorite mods and may lead to an uncomfortable game. Thank you in advance and thank you separately for the high-quality launcher for the "Pirate" minecraft. :)

aquabats 16/06/2022 14:33
0 1
i cant download it

davidjmorgan 14/06/2022 09:06
0 0
i have found the download link nice

davidjmorgan 14/06/2022 09:06
0 0
i have found the download link nice

MisterE452 13/06/2022 21:35
0 0
this is cool

MisterE452 13/06/2022 21:34
0 0
this is cool

Skyplayz123 13/06/2022 16:38
0 0
how do I install 1.19

MattGG 13/06/2022 02:23
0 0
I love 1.19

GamerzUday 12/06/2022 07:54
0 3
who indian

Tannay2303 19/01/2023 07:27
0 1

CircuitDucky2010 09/06/2022 08:29
0 0
1.19 version is too op

ImGlobus 07/06/2022 16:55
0 0
Удалил .minecraft и скачал заново Тлаунчер, но всеравно не работает

Z_raser 07/06/2022 15:25
0 0
все у кого выдает ошибку просто переустановите tlauncher а ещё лучше удалить .minecraft

Z_raser 07/06/2022 15:25
0 0
все у кого выдает ошибку просто переустановите tlauncher а ещё лучше удалить .minecraft

SdobriFAMQ 07/06/2022 14:32
0 0
У меня снапшоты 1.19 не скачиваются из-за какой-то ошибки, кстати, когда релиз 1.19?

papazolnapako 07/06/2022 12:27
0 0
У меня снапшоты 1.19 не скачиваются из-за какой-то ошибки

JustGeek 07/06/2022 09:02
0 0
У меня снапшоты 1.19 не скачиваются из-за какой-то ошибки