
TLauncher 2.71 released (+ download)

Logo TLauncher 2.71
We regularly release new versions of our launcher, implementing new features or increasing the stability of the program.

The TLauncher 2.71 update fixes quite a few minor bugs that prevented our players. Your support in finding various problems allows us to keep the bar of the best launcher for Minecraft!

Changes in TL 2.71

1) Some new categories in the TLMODS modpack system did not have icons, in particular, the Shaders tab was recently added, this update solves this problem - new icons are added to the categories.

2) In some cases, connecting to Minecraft servers could get a null login error in TLauncher, this update solves this problem!

Error null in Minecraft

3) Updated repositories on which loads libraries for TLauncher old were no longer relevant.

4) In general, the stability of the program has been improved and many bugs have been fixed. .

Version 2.71 is available to all our players, agree to the update when you launch your current version, or download the links below!


Comments (105)

ElectricBoy2022 11/09/2023 15:14
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And also WHY TLAUNCHER? ADD SUPPORT FOR WINE! BEACUSE IM SAD OF THIS PLEASE ADD: 1. Wine/ReactOS version 2. No C++/vb gui - only select version, local username and play/install game. 3. Change .minecraft to MCFiles. Then i would download it. Thanks.

ElectricBoy2022 11/09/2023 15:10
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Where to download TLauncher 1.0.3/2.2? Im looking for an older version (not newer than 2.2)

TimchikNNN 21/06/2023 07:47
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Очень хорошее обновление!

hardoge_shio 24/05/2023 13:50
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this is best update

sina_AZIZI 27/01/2023 16:42
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RPG_Vinsxz25/06/2022 05:15

RobloqR 11/01/2023 09:04
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Nice, new version :

alandres 25/06/2022 04:52
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How can I play in the old version?

mnwgaming 16/12/2022 02:12
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alandres 25/06/2022 04:52
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How can I play in the old version?

RPG_Vinsxz 25/06/2022 02:15
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New Minecraft man

sina_AZIZI 08/02/2023 21:56
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ArmorCreeper 01/01/2022 03:30
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i want to get older version of tlauncher

nikuchaaa 19/10/2021 15:00
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how to get older version

HiLychee 22/12/2022 02:53
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@Xlurms, I guess you can click between Windows Or Linux/MacOs.

HiLychee 22/12/2022 02:54
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@Lixenve, NVM

1P0K3R 19/09/2021 13:57
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can i download older version of tlauncher?

macmattmark31 23/08/2021 07:35
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It Came out

aariq2011 08/08/2021 06:27
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wow i cannot wait until it released

progamers1234567 07/08/2021 02:56
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wow update incomming!

zVastian_Mc 31/07/2021 18:13
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Me encanta tlauncher y que sigan actualizando

GamingProOnur 26/06/2021 18:55
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Ama 1.17 açılmıyore

goldenyoshi555 26/06/2021 14:40
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cool tlauncher now i can play minecraft java for free

Sathawat12141 25/06/2021 17:44
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hello good tlauncher

RedReality 24/06/2021 16:46
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This is the problems :When i update the tlancher after that it said it can't RUN! I opened appdata and i got the old tlancher! And delete the other one plese fix the problem!!

RedReality 24/06/2021 16:46
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This is the problems :When i update the tlancher after that it said it can't RUN! I opened appdata and i got the old tlancher! And delete the other one plese fix the problem!!

RedReality 24/06/2021 16:40
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Tlancher ,you can take the step up for the best minecraft lancher rather than buying minecraft and surprise me with the next update! ;);)

Rollingswordfish 15/06/2021 06:56
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Is this the 1.17 one?

Aiko_v 22/05/2021 12:54
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son of a bitc

HiLychee 22/12/2022 02:53
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@Aiko_v, Watch your language, please.

g_tt 09/05/2021 06:07
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well i play bedwars and skywars in this this is my fav

thaews 03/05/2021 18:10
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okay okay

JoJoWeAreInBoi 03/05/2021 12:22
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aw yeah this is very nice

CowebTL 23/04/2021 20:47
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Kiedy nowa eda?

NashliamXD 08/04/2021 02:24
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How long 1.17 will come?

Hermitage_ 26/03/2021 10:12
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awesome update!

Assasinate_Frags 18/03/2021 06:09
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thanks :)

Assasinate_Frags 18/03/2021 06:08
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when is 1.17 going to come out

TraktorWWW1 23/02/2021 11:41
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Can you give us some free capes please? I think its stupid that you need to pay for capes. Can you give us 1 or 2 free capes?

RazorIsOP 04/02/2021 04:24
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Well, I admit it is cool but I have tlauncher 2.75 so which one is the latest can anyone tell?

skellee 31/01/2021 10:34
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this update is convenient but can you change the launcher's theme and please add more setting on minecraft in the launcher settings thanks :>

NotEternal_Ninja 26/01/2021 18:26
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Hey! Tlauncher I wanted to say you thanks, i really appreciated that this minecraft launcher is safe, and really easy to launch the game, i really thank you, because was really hard to find minecraft versions that were easy to open,launch,safe,uh yeah I hope you make The Uptade Of Cliffs or 1.17 Take your time i really understand you need time to make the cliff uptade well bye !

Rynel101 12/01/2021 01:18
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nice update!

A_Abdo123 28/12/2020 15:47
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Ok i liked this version ;)

Yandell1 18/12/2020 15:10
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¿Hola quisiera saber cuando va a salir la 1.17 en el tlauncher que veo que hay gente ya jugándola? Agradecería que me explicaran.

junior202090 18/12/2020 14:26
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quiero que salga ota version de pixelmon y que no demore la descaraga

junior202090 18/12/2020 14:24
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por que minecraft se tranca cuando abris algun video?

junior202090 18/12/2020 14:23
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yo tambien espero la 1.17

devilkiller205 16/12/2020 11:37
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Hey! When will tlauncher release 1.17 i am waiting for it plz give it as fast as possible plz plz plz

Dima11123455 15/12/2020 12:12
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impаct lаg!

OspeedFast 15/12/2020 09:05
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i thought installing mods gets 2+ hours, but it's only 3 min or less ;-;

oibruv 14/12/2020 12:52
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this is a bit weird but ok

ProChowder0117 09/12/2020 12:29
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Pls have the new 1.17 update for our Tlauncher, Thank you!

B0bDaBuilder 07/12/2020 06:25
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1.17 Is not Out Yet You But You Can Play The Snapshot Of It

kemaltheproxx 04/12/2020 12:49
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can someone help me about when i click tlauncher it says a critical error has eqquired please someone help me

Pokoli 12/11/2020 01:37
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wow so good to meand all people

Jojo_Zogara9 11/11/2020 01:24
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Good soo Good

0hpauline 07/11/2020 10:13
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ого :0

Ramista_mateo 06/11/2020 23:49
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hola se me actualizo el forge optifine y ya no puedo jugar en servers

FRANCESCOGAMER59 30/10/2020 19:32
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ma 1.17 no

AlanKing11 24/10/2020 02:17
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Bro How do i update ?? i wrong press it when its shows to update lol

EldrakoPlayz 22/10/2020 06:15
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yoyo hiso hi

LABINwarrior 19/10/2020 08:52
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hi tlauncher company

Tihun 19/10/2020 07:38
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Can I play 1.17 on it?

therealnoobgamer 05/10/2020 04:31
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can you help me to re upload my Tluncher cuz there's a new cave update i really want to play and ya know to play 1.17

SuperYT_5253 28/09/2020 06:12
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my mc curuupt

carapollo123456 25/09/2020 00:28
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Plz add skins on the Optifine 1.16.3

Mr_candy 18/09/2020 15:27
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;-; omg ;-;

afif_adudu 09/09/2020 07:50
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.idk wat to say

ZennotFound 05/09/2020 02:06
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Please add TL Minecraft PE On PC Windows Please

CHEEZE_GAMING 08/08/2020 07:00
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i like this

Compost_Roma27 13/07/2020 15:18
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просто нечего написать лол

BlazeFire342 12/07/2020 02:44
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/tlauncher/tlauncher/ui/login/LoginFormHelper anyone can help me with this?

fomari1910 11/07/2020 22:41
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ereneren5353 11/07/2020 22:01
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java.lang.NullPointerException: null this error is everywhere can you solve this ?

banda1111 11/07/2020 14:00
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nakonets-to yest' skin v versii 1.16.1 na tlauncher

banda1111 11/07/2020 13:59
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наконец-то есть скин в версии 1.16.1 на tlauncher

iluha765 10/07/2020 19:31
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я хз что сказать?

ghaitallah 10/07/2020 12:18
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@LovasZalan yes

SkylexMX 10/07/2020 04:07
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add skins and optifine sistem pls

TalysonG 09/07/2020 13:45
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por favor adicionem skins para 1.16.1

NicoVengador999 08/07/2020 20:16
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como puedo iniciar sesion en tllauncher ya descargado porfavor respondeme

Phoenix_KriZz 08/07/2020 13:49
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plz add skins change option for 1.16

adadasjdhbansmd 08/07/2020 03:31
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yep, i ope there is a skin for 1.16.1 now

GamingJohnAldrin 08/07/2020 02:21
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i hope they add tluncher logo in 1.16.1

aarroussi 07/07/2020 15:12
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ido know is not

LovasZalan 07/07/2020 12:47
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Skins for 1.16 pls

Rahulmondal 07/07/2020 11:52
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Waste update !

AlexisC501 06/07/2020 16:48
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If someone has any problem with this update like achievements reseted or you cannot interact with your tamed mobs, open the game folder from the launcher then open "old Tlauncher" that's the launcher version before the update.

EksoExo 06/07/2020 08:26
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Hey, can you add Fabric to the versions in TLauncher like you have Optifine and Forge? A lot of mods have transferred newer versions to Fabric so it would be really helpful to have Fabric right on hand!

susjusting 06/07/2020 05:55
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Отличная версия у меня все работает

seilkhanalmas5 05/07/2020 11:04
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Отличная версия у меня все работает

MrEnderman25 04/07/2020 23:27
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Where's my skin in 1.16.1? when I load 1.15.2, I have my skin, but in 1.16.1 I don't have my skin.

RhodWulf 04/07/2020 17:59
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do not update it, it has many errors, especially with the registration of your ID

vedant090 04/07/2020 15:48
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Achievments reset.UUID reset. Cant control my dogs now

TimmyTheRealCat 04/07/2020 14:28
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i want more mods and modpacks PLEASE

Jayxin3 04/07/2020 10:15
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i can't not change my normal skin plz assist

Jayxin3 04/07/2020 10:14
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put in furniture mods plz

Noelic 04/07/2020 09:45
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Don't update to this version! Its broken! I don't think it registers your profile. All my reduced villager prices were gone and I had a Steve skin whereas my profile was set to have an Alex skin (these things stay true regardless of if the version supports skins or not). If you've already updated to the new version, just go to the .minecraft folder and open the old-tlauncher.exe file. That'll take you back to the previous version and don't hit update this time.

MinedStone 04/07/2020 07:05
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Skins for 1.16.1 pls

wynce 04/07/2020 06:39
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why do my achievements constantly reset?

N_029 03/07/2020 23:25
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welp its pretty good i like it and its so usefull now i can play with bbf s soo i think its awsome because i use only t launcher for minecraft

Xyabtic 03/07/2020 17:55
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İ cant enter tl mods D: PLS help and i cant enter optifines

Uchiha423 03/07/2020 16:34
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1.16.1 for HAMACHI PLS

Sc00 03/07/2020 16:30
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por favor, mods para a 1.16

robkla 03/07/2020 16:21
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pls skin for 1.16.1