
TLauncher Terraria – the whole truth!

Лого TerrariaIf you’ve heard that now TLauncher for Terraria is available for downloading, we inform you that it’s a blatant lie! We’ve never developed such products and don’t even going to, but somebody is trying to make money on our popularity. Trying to sell empty apps (and not only for Terraria) they are not only stealing your money but are also putting viruses into your devices! Doing that they are trying to discredit and spoil the reputation of your beloved TLauncher.

We are really sorry that there are such mean people in existence, those who deceive common players. It was our duty to warn you. All our products under the TLauncher trademark are on this official website, in particular TLauncher для Minecraft: Java Edition and TLauncher PE для Minecraft: Pocket Edition. We don’t have any other programs!

Лого Terraria (2)

Of course they are trying to avoid responsibility and always resort to different methods, one of which is not mentioning the name of TLauncher. Instead of that they use different abbreviations that directly point at us. So such names as TL Terraria and TL Minecraft should alert you and prevent you from downloading or paying any money! Always download from official sites only and would have no problems!

Don’t fall for the scammers’ tricks! Be vigilant!

Comments (116)

Xaman1801 16/01/2025 17:29
0 1
we need terraria now

Xaman1801 16/01/2025 17:29
0 0
we need terraria now

Entetitipro 10/07/2024 17:09
1 0

ErickZ1 27/08/2023 20:38
0 0
O dios mio no me lo creo Estoy viendo los cielos

TrickedGnu56526 27/01/2023 19:33
1 1
Of course not, since the terraria tlauncher (which existed before your minecraft "Tlauncher") was overthrown by your greed.

DayGame 23/01/2023 23:14
0 0

Key096 15/12/2022 07:23
0 2
we need terraria

video_Gamer2 02/04/2023 17:43
0 0
@Key096, yeah

platon_55348 13/10/2022 17:15
0 3
как скачивать

GustavoPLAYS2022 07/09/2022 20:09
0 1
wow terraria in minecraft lol pls add

Niko_Plays 02/04/2022 02:19
0 0
add terraria

dcla5s 26/02/2022 04:22
0 0
до кек чебурек

Dar10gamer 11/02/2022 11:23
0 0
Why won't you put Terraria on?

jayprogaming 30/11/2021 21:49
0 0
i genuinly thought tl pro was legit made by tlauncher but guess i have a fake tlauncher terraria so rip the $1.99 i spent on it

RealjkIDK 26/10/2021 10:53
0 0
pls add talucnher terraria

boggersssss 24/10/2021 19:57
0 1
when the impostor is sus

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:40
0 0
@boggersssss, dum dum dum dum dum dum dum - dada dum

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:40
0 0
@boggersssss, dum dum dum dum dum dum dum - dada dum

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:40
0 0
@boggersssss, dum dum dum dum dum dum dum - dada dum

WesleyPS4 20/10/2021 17:26
0 0
tenho terraria original mas minecraft pirata ksks

justinxaveriussantoso 02/09/2021 01:25
0 0
i have minecraft and terraria

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:41
0 0
@justinxaveriussantoso, where did u get terraria? i want it

justinxaveriussantoso 02/09/2021 00:57
0 0
TL minecraft and TL terraria cool!

pearce400 27/07/2021 03:57
0 0
wow scammers are getting better but more dum at the same time?

MaryamMadeeh 02/06/2021 16:10
0 0
cool Game

yan279 28/05/2021 16:57
0 0
terratia laucher in minecraft laucher site?

Fodiblack 27/05/2021 11:11
0 0
berkan annen elimde

Berkan678 27/05/2021 11:08
0 0
Yaşasın Tlauncher

dacr_01 19/05/2021 20:13
0 0
asesinos! xd

Kaa190 21/04/2021 06:54
0 0

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:41
0 0
@Kaa190, AH! save the king!

D1SC0NN3CT3D 08/04/2021 16:43
0 0
where is the link?

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:42
0 0
@D1SC0NN3CT3D, didn't youu read the words? its fake and virus

Skimmey 24/03/2021 14:46
0 0
menlebg yes of course

Anton_Corzhik 25/02/2021 12:15
0 0
То есть дело что же это получается на android clone launcher

manlebg 22/02/2021 16:01
1 0
wanna see my balls ?

62753283 10/02/2021 10:28
0 0
u can join

62753283 10/02/2021 10:27
0 0
how to downoad too

Chr1sCurr3y420 03/02/2021 03:07
0 0
yall should make a terraria tlauncher, that would be sick.

ek12tr 02/02/2021 16:03
0 0

ExtremeCoca 24/01/2021 06:57
0 0
How to download?

grydik13 08/01/2021 14:47
0 0
спасибо за инфу

kryle1234 05/01/2021 01:01
0 0
wth nani waht the hell i will called this terr luacher

Ckromnaia 25/12/2020 15:13
0 0
всем с наступаещем))

PARALYZED5675 20/12/2020 21:22
0 0
а диман хак в 2017 сказал что вы разробатывоите лаучер для террарии апровдания!?

PARALYZED5675 20/12/2020 21:18
0 0
ненавижу пытатся скачать через торрент это может tlauncher для террарии ;) потому что будет на много удобнее и круче

YaBoiMibb73 05/12/2020 23:20
0 0
I just want to know if you are going to do this, like tlauncher for terraria would be sick, that way i would be able to mod my cracked terraria

ebsauce 20/11/2020 08:31
0 0
yeah right

N1GHTM_A_R_EasfopjSPODfgjPOSGJopSJGopSDG 19/10/2020 01:23
0 0
oh i just read it nvm

N1GHTM_A_R_EasfopjSPODfgjPOSGJopSJGopSDG 19/10/2020 01:22
0 0
Tlauncher has terraria too? Pog.

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:43
0 0
@N1GHTM_A_R_EasfopjSPODfgjPOSGJopSJGopSDG, bruh read the article its a lie

KidCryyptus 16/10/2020 15:19
0 0
can we download it??

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:43
0 0
@KidCryyptus, so you want a virus?

picacrack1900 15/10/2020 18:28
0 0
hi i am picacrack1900 XD

nourddinelauncher 11/10/2020 10:41
0 0
ok is bad 100

nourddinelauncher 11/10/2020 10:41
0 0
ok is bad 100

aayantheanimator 02/10/2020 07:34
0 0
ok then i didnt want it

aayantheanimator 02/10/2020 07:33
0 0
ok then i didnt want it

Rilixit 30/09/2020 13:33
0 0
All right then..

Jakub3rio 31/07/2020 12:25
0 0
Ok, so is there some kind of download link for Tlauncher Terraria?

SAD_PePe_87 28/07/2020 08:50
0 0

Ariela_xd 15/07/2020 14:39
0 0
Eso es mentira

EzC 28/06/2020 10:10
0 0
я хочу TL Terarea

Bedusar 12/06/2020 09:00
0 0
Эх, печально

KalafodshiIkia 02/06/2020 08:23
0 0
люди как скачать лаунчер теру

bobi1209 29/05/2020 06:26
0 0
how to download

981storm 24/05/2020 21:29
0 0
all I can say is tht mc is the best game ever created;) :)

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:43
0 0
@981storm, except maybe terraria :)

LOLSTREM 22/04/2020 13:48
0 0
how dovland

LOLSTREM 22/04/2020 13:48
0 0
how dovland

albinjt 02/04/2020 11:05
0 0
Steven Universe

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:44
0 0
@albinjt, STEVEN HE?!?!??!? HUH>?>?>

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:44
0 0
@albinjt, He?

_Bomberr_ 18/03/2020 12:30
0 0
TL Mods Pro exist and its a very nice app to have for Terraria players

_Bomberr_ 18/03/2020 12:29
0 0
TL stays for TerrLauncher

_Bomberr_ 18/03/2020 12:27
0 0
TL Mods Pro exist and its a very nice app to have for Terraria players

kisgerag 03/03/2020 16:21
0 0
how to dowload?

GameZalazar 04/02/2020 16:44
0 0
mod hack

GameZalazar 04/02/2020 16:44
0 0
muy bueno sad

vikipro653 11/11/2019 12:43
0 0
dis is coll

phusocschos 29/09/2019 02:01
0 0
so cool ! :v :)

oynityhtm 07/12/2022 09:07
0 0
ты чо рил дрим

kuzmenkovadim 05/09/2019 09:24
0 0
ЧЗХ. TL Terraria это точно бред сивой кобылы !

kuzmenkovadim 05/09/2019 09:22
0 0

TBNRskyler 04/09/2019 02:09
0 0

darkH10 24/07/2019 13:40
0 0
todo bien

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:44
0 0
@darkH10, :)

NightThief77 08/07/2019 18:48
0 0

welp_p 19/06/2019 17:48
0 0
сделать tlauncher для teraria было бы неплохой идеей

GameMan_Killer 13/06/2019 10:28
0 0
ну и дела происходили

holy_mackeral 11/06/2019 03:08
0 0
if you wont the game buy it off of steam it 10$

WWETR 27/03/2019 05:52
0 0

slimasd 21/03/2019 17:12
0 0
мда *_*

koray1110 31/01/2019 15:36
0 0

lyosha2009 30/01/2019 13:09
0 0
я руский

ZubZeroMCPro 10/01/2019 12:36
0 0
por donde lo descargo

vietnam666 02/01/2019 07:28
0 0
TLauncher в террарии это как Forge в майнкрафте. TLauncher сделан для загрузки модов в игру.

gatfdf 26/12/2018 10:57
0 0

gatfdf 26/12/2018 10:56
0 0

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:45
0 0

gatfdf 26/12/2018 10:55
0 0

qwertyisbad 26/12/2023 17:45
0 0
@gatfdf, 20

Resaf 20/12/2018 16:05
0 0
Тип Minecraft только 2D

Toxic_Game 15/12/2018 18:53
0 0

KeKe2 29/11/2018 22:57
0 0

KeKe2 29/11/2018 22:56
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glushkonikitaglushko 23/09/2018 11:15
0 0

BCMoonkitty 22/09/2018 20:09
0 0
oh i get it

DieorFight 30/08/2018 23:14
0 0
Это не tl Minecraft , это Tlauncher т.е terraria launcher и он не имеет никакого отношения к вашему проекту . Тот факт, что названия похожи просто совпадение . Tlauncher , просто название игры и суть программы.

creeper70000 15/08/2018 18:00
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_Pxalin31_pro_ 10/08/2018 07:07
0 0

Forine_Boy 02/08/2018 13:16
0 0
Я думал онинорм челики

kotanator 01/08/2018 09:08
0 0

Xx_RailyFonix_xX 19/07/2018 07:55
0 0
И из-за этой новости у меня чуть не сгорел пукан А раньше был о вас в хорошем мнении, а сейчас скатились

Skeyler 16/07/2018 19:00
0 0

maks_898_2018 07/07/2018 16:28
0 0
клас изи игра