
1416082668 The Hidden Forest and a Dungeon | Minecraft PE Seed

1416082668 The Hidden Forest and a Dungeon screenshot 1

1416082668 Крытый лес и подземелье скриншот 1The Hidden Forest and a Dungeon seed offers fans of the portable version of Minecraft to feel the beauty of the dense forest concealing a huge number of secrets. The main secret of the magical forest is hidden cave entrances and dungeons.

1416082668 The Hidden Forest and a Dungeon screenshot 2

Exploring the territory of the "underground realms" players will find several interesting locations. Before starting the journey, it is recommended to stock up on provisions and weapons.

1416082668 The Hidden Forest and a Dungeon screenshot 3

Because under the ground you will surely meet with a couple of skeletons guarding a valuable chest. Note that the dungeon will be available for exploration without a need to break the blocks.

1416082668 The Hidden Forest and a Dungeon screenshot 4

1416082668 The Hidden Forest and a Dungeon screenshot 5

Seed number: 1416082668

How to generate a world with this seed:

First step: go to the world generation menu and select "Advanced".

Second step: enter the seed number presented above in the "Seed" field.

Third step: click the "Create world" button.

Comments (1)

Infuy 14/11/2019 10:38
0 0