
1422186594 Ice Village | Seed Minecraft PE

1422186594 Ледяная деревня скриншот 1The main advantage of this game is that you can easily create a variety of environments on its expanses. For example, today there is an opportunity to use 1422186594 seed for Minecraft which offers an unusual combination of biomes. 

At first you will find a dense forest, covered with greenery, but it borders with an ice biome completely covered with snow. All this looks unusual and has an excellent level of compatibility.

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By the way, on the expanses of the ice biome you will find an interesting surprise in the form of a visit to the village, whose inhabitants are accustomed to low temperatures and unusual neighborhood.

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Number of seed: 1422186594

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.


Techegamez23/11/2021 15:29
Nice its Working From Aryan Gamer
gabriel666alex25/04/2020 23:09
es un asco, tengo 2 mapas de tesoro, trato de irme a la mierda, y no puedo, estoy rodeado de selva y no me sirven los mapas, uno es para bosque y otro del mar
KAMAminecraftYT21/02/2020 14:58
maks2010jos28/12/2019 18:47
дай кардинаты
tgfhy54gt26/12/2019 22:01
246 пррпар
tgfhy54gt26/12/2019 22:00
bnv nbh