
1427467263 A Village on the Water | Seed Minecraft PE

1427467263 Village on the Water screenshot 1We continue to carefully look for interesting and attractive options for having a good time in the game expanses. This time you will have the opportunity to go on an adventure to 1427467263 A Village on the Water seed for Minecraft. It is unique in that it offers to go to the village located right on the water surface. 

1427467263 Village on the Water screenshot 2

One can notice its unique architecture, a rather big area, and a large number of interesting inventions operating on the basis of water use. It remains only to go there and explore each corner of this unique location yourself. We are sure that you will enjoy everything and achieve success.

1427467263 Village on the Water screenshot 3

Number of seed: 1427467263

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (2)

playf0428gmailcom 17/06/2020 09:57
0 0

SAMMYROLOFLOW 10/06/2020 21:36
0 0
fake sa