
-1537918027 Coral Reefs and an Underwater Cave | Seed Minecraft PE

-1537918027 Coral Reefs and an Underwater Cave screenshot 1If you like active adventures and exploration, then you will have a great opportunity to enjoy a variety of new expanses. We suggest that you do not waste time and just actively use -1537918027 Coral Reefs and an Underwater Cave seed for Minecraft. 

-1537918027 Coral Reefs and an Underwater Cave screenshot 2

As the title suggests, you will have to visit a new territory located underwater, and, to find it, it will be enough just to get oriented by a large reef. If you carefully explore it, you will come across an underwater cave. As for what exactly it hides, we will not say, as you will find this out yourself. It remains only to wish you a good mood and good luck.

-1537918027 Coral Reefs and an Underwater Cave screenshot 3

Number of seed: -1537918027

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

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