
-1744777899 – A Pillager Outpost | Seed Minecraft PE

-1744777899  A Pillager Outpost  screenshot 1The pillagers again do not give rest to locals. Thus, today you will have the opportunity to actively use -1744777899 – A Pillager Outpost seed for Minecraft, which opens up a wide scope for active actions.

For example, you will spawn on the map with a village in front of you. It will not surprise with its development and wealth, as it is constantly terrorized by pillagers.

-1744777899  A Pillager Outpost  screenshot 2If you go from the village to the edge of the continent with a snow biome, you can find a pillager outpost. It is up to you how to dispose of and use this information. We just wish you a successful and active adventure.

-1744777899  A Pillager Outpost screenshot screenshot 3

Number of seed: -1744777899

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (4)

jhampoolSCGAMER12 28/02/2020 17:57
0 0

yourweirdoEna 31/01/2020 11:45
0 0

Russo_BAGUINE 26/01/2020 01:38
0 0
DA hora

waynejaba 24/01/2020 15:26
0 0