
1960607841 A Huge Bamboo Jungle With Intersecting Ravines | Seed Minecraft PE

1960607841 Огромные бамбуковые джунгли с пересекающимися оврагами screenshot 1If you have long planned to engage in various adventures and explore the expanses of new maps, then you should pay attention to 1960607841 seed for Minecraft. Now you will be able to generate a completely new world, full of various elements of the environment. Thus, you will be able to use a vast bamboo forest to obtain resources and build a great residential structure. 

1960607841 Огромные бамбуковые джунгли с пересекающимися оврагами screenshot 2

Do not forget about the ravines that will be a great reason for setting traps and improving the security of your settlement. In general, this world generation option is quite pleasant and interesting. There is certainly room for any activities there.

1960607841 Огромные бамбуковые джунгли с пересекающимися оврагами screenshot 3

Number of seed: 1960607841

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (1)

Egorushkat 06/05/2020 15:49
0 0
а для каких версий сид ?