2016823230 A Bone-Shaped Island | Seed Minecraft PE
If you have long wanted to have your own island, you should apply A Bone-Shaped Island seed. It allows you to generate a world with a large lake, amidst which you will find an island in the form of a bone. This elongated island can be used for any of your needs. You can even completely migrate to it and give up contacts with the outside world.
Just like any other island, the bone-shaped island has a solid structure that will allow you to extract a large number of minerals, provided you build a small mine. There will also be enough space for farming on it.
Number of seed: 2016823230
How to create a world with this seed:
First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".
Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.
Third step: Click the "Create world" button.
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