
2016823230 A Bone-Shaped Island | Seed Minecraft PE

2016823230 Bone-Shaped Island screenshot 1If you have long wanted to have your own island, you should apply A Bone-Shaped Island seed. It allows you to generate a world with a large lake, amidst which you will find an island in the form of a bone. This elongated island can be used for any of your needs. You can even completely migrate to it and give up contacts with the outside world.

2016823230 Bone-Shaped Island screenshot 2

Just like any other island, the bone-shaped island has a solid structure that will allow you to extract a large number of minerals, provided you build a small mine. There will also be enough space for farming on it.

2016823230 Bone-Shaped Island screenshot 3

Number of seed: 2016823230

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (2)

LevGrin 26/08/2018 07:58
0 0

LevGrin 26/08/2018 07:58
0 0