
-2038263889 A Snowy Village Next to a Ravine | Seed Minecraft PE

Snowy Villages and Ravines screenshot 1Ice biomes have always attracted the attention of players and today we offer you to go on an exciting adventure using -2038263889 A Snowy Village Next to a Ravine biome for Minecraft. This biome will please you with vast plains, give you the opportunity to relax a bit and explore a small village surrounded by snow. 

Snowy Villages and Ravines  screenshot 1

The designer should be commended for creating a large number of details, the given opportunity to explore every corner and just to enjoy each moment available. After all, biomes are famous for their being worked out in detail design, so they will definitely please you with their uniqueness and a good combination of different kinds of environment.

Snowy Villages and Ravines screenshot 1

Number of seed: -2038263889

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (1)

lida2289 28/03/2020 10:37
0 0