
-736121172 Three Villages Near a Ravine | Seed Minecraft PE

-736121172 3 Three Villages Near a Ravine screenshot 1If you miss interesting expanses, we suggest you use -736121172 Three Villages Near a Ravine seed for Minecraft that will provide not only a pleasant pastime but also new experiences. This time you will have to actively use all the new expanses and enjoy a pleasant environment. 

You will be able to explore three new villages with unique architecture and a large ravine.

-736121172 3 Three Villages Near a Ravine screenshot 2

By the way, you will have a chance also to come across pyramids, but nobody knows where exactly they are hidden. We suggest that you actively act and try to find new locations for active interaction. Good luck!

-736121172 3 Three Villages Near a Ravine screenshot 3

Number of seed: -736121172

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

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