-5141301018563650318 Birch Forest on a Small Island | Seed Minecraft

Березовый лес на небольшом острове screenshot 1-5141301018563650318 Birch Forest on a Small Island for Minecraft is a seed that invites you to explore a completely new space. The basis for your adventure will be a small island saturated with birch trees. In addition, you will be able to visit an island located next to mines and other interesting places. 


2319016766194870650 Zombie Village Deep in the Taiga | Seed Minecraft

Зомби-деревня в глубине тайги screenshot 1Would you like to go on an exciting adventure and try to use your skills to survive? To begin with, we invite you to install 2319016766194870650 Zombie Village Deep in the Taiga for Minecraft. Thanks to its new features, you can carefully explore a large village that has long been abandoned. 
