
1125899953844908 Desert Village near Swamp | Seed Minecraft

Пустынная деревня рядом с болотистым биомом screenshot 1If you have long wanted to explore the environment and try to get some pleasant emotions, we invite you to use the seed 1125899953844908 Desert Village near Swamp for Minecraft. In this case, you will find yourself in a large village with a destroyed portal in its center. 

Пустынная деревня рядом с болотистым биомом screenshot 2

The village is located in a desert biome. However, there is a swamp and an ocean with coral reefs nearby. You only need to properly use the newly added features and gradually achieve a good result, which will be marked by your further discoveries. Have a good game!

Пустынная деревня рядом с болотистым биомом screenshot 3

Number of seed: 1125899953844908

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (1)

HJG83 18/12/2022 16:19
0 0