
1223106907600796014 An Island Amidst an Ice Biome | Seed Minecraft

Остров посреди ледяного биома screenshot 11223106907600796014 An Island Amidst an Ice Biome seed for Minecraft was created especially for thrill-seekers. Indeed, this time you will have the opportunity to walk around the icy environment and get the most out of the gameplay. 

Остров посреди ледяного биома screenshot 2

And if you carefully explore the new territory, you will be able to discover a sunny and beautiful island right in the center. Of course, at first, it may seem that such a format of combining islands is not the best, but such a result in itself makes you believe in the best and something more interesting. In short, we suggest that you get the maximum pleasure and achieve a good result.

Остров посреди ледяного биома screenshot 3

Number of seed: 1223106907600796014

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (1)

DAMEP 29/09/2021 12:13
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