
168100517321770224 Small island for survival | Seed Minecraft

Небольшой остров для выживания screenshot 1168100517321770224 Small island for survival for Minecraft is a great opportunity to test your survival skills. This seed will help you to appear on a small island and take advantage of all the resources that this island contains. 

Небольшой остров для выживания screenshot 2

They will help you in the process of creating conditions of normal existence. You should pay attention to trees and pigs that will become the main components in the issue of your survival. However, you should not hurry to stop when your research is finished as you can find an underwater fortress near this island that contains many interesting things there. Now, you can begin to take the first steps in this process to achieve a favourable result in your adventures. Every moment of your adventure will help you to enjoy your survival.

Небольшой остров для выживания screenshot 3

Number of seed: 168100517321770224

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

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