
222222345577524436 Four villages and a portal next to the cherry forest | Seed Minecraft

Четыре деревни и портал рядом с вишневым лесом screenshot 1We continue to carefully explore interesting places that can delight you with pleasant views.  In this regard, we invite you to waste no time and install the seed called 222222345577524436 Four villages and a portal next to the cherry forest for Minecraft that allows you to visit four villages at once. 

Четыре деревни и портал рядом с вишневым лесом screenshot 2

Two of them are located in open fields and the rest rise on snow-capped peaks. Traveling through these villages will allow you to have a good time and achieve the desired result. The main thing is to be confident in what you do and carefully explore all these unique locations. Please note there is a destroyed portal on the shore and forges with diamonds near the villages. We wish you good luck and all the best!

Четыре деревни и портал рядом с вишневым лесом screenshot 3

Number of seed: 222222345577524436

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (14)

Zikookairu 25/07/2024 11:49
0 0
Im using it on my speedrun

Samuraiblade2894 05/04/2024 07:55
0 1
this seed is godly op

AzanProGamerr95 06/03/2024 15:55
0 1
Explains:this seed is too opp

Ultraalle 09/02/2024 05:25
0 1
explains:this seed is too op

Grechuard273 24/01/2024 18:36
0 0
me encanta mucho

0_ZET_0 10/01/2024 17:00
0 1
отличный сид для отличного старта

Waterthyme20112 02/01/2024 17:20
0 1

rustemshik123321 02/01/2024 07:22
0 1
сид топ

Goshawk1112_1 21/12/2023 13:19
0 3

Ho3einSpecial 02/10/2023 10:39
1 4
That was cool

caubedsq2 30/09/2023 05:27
3 2

caubedsq2 30/09/2023 05:26
3 2
hilo toi muon vao lang maay

alispasiaI 25/09/2023 11:18
3 5

TEER74 18/09/2023 12:31
4 3
hjd fojhjq