
3578788517153155 A Village With a Temple Near an Outpost | Seed Minecraft

A Village With a Temple Near an Outpost screenshot 13578788517153155 A Village With a Temple Near an Outpost for Minecraft is an interesting seed that allows one to easily take advantage of all the new expanses for active playing. It will be enough just to take note of the desert biome, and you will immediately understand that now you are free to go to the village, try to explore a large temple, or rush into the outpost. 

A Village With a Temple Near an Outpost screenshot 2

The choice is yours — you will just need to carefully explore this new content to get the most out of the gameplay. Be careful and try to explore each corner of the new territories, as there you can find a lot of interesting and extremely appealing things. We wish you good luck!

A Village With a Temple Near an Outpost screenshot 3

Number of seed: 3578788517153155

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (1)

alaxabar_ 20/05/2022 09:03
0 0
см а где кординати ?