
367555848850114239 A Village in a Mushroom Biome | Seed Minecraft

Деревня в грибном биоме screenshot 1Many seeds can please one not only with their unique details but also with the opportunity to take full advantage of all one's new chances for exploration and adventure. 

Деревня в грибном биоме screenshot 2

Especially for this case, we recommend that you use 367555848850114239 A Village in a Mushroom Biome seed for Minecraft and visit a whole new island completely filled with mushrooms and other similar structures. We just would like to suggest that you go explore all these expanses and try to find attractive locations, resources, and other interesting content elements. It remains to wish you good luck and all the best!

Деревня в грибном биоме screenshot 3

Number of seed: 367555848850114239

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.


Apisana26/10/2022 11:11
А в какой версии надо играть с этим сидом?
aungheim202218/09/2022 10:47
can i know this seed's version?
aungheim202218/09/2022 10:47
can i know this seed's version?
MigzPlayz100015/03/2022 12:02
First time seeing this seed.
sunny_thegamer28/02/2022 16:43
his seed for minecraft version?
Farel_1ndo12/12/2021 05:46
This seed for minecraft version?