
3960192698285577552 Two villages near an abandoned mine | Seed Minecraft

Две деревни рядом с заброшенной шахтой screenshot 13960192698285577552 Two villages near an abandoned mine for Minecraft is another variant of an interesting and detailed seed that will help you set out on an exciting adventure. This time, you will have to explore the dense forest, fields and a little desert biome. 

Две деревни рядом с заброшенной шахтой screenshot 2

The combination of these elements is not at all simple. This is the reason why you will find a village in each of the available areas. In addition to the desert, there is a destroyed portal, which will surely please you and will help to get the most out of your adventure. But you should be careful not to rush into your decisions. We wish you luck and success in your game!

Две деревни рядом с заброшенной шахтой screenshot 3

Number of seed: 3960192698285577552

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

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