
4930790756336430031 A sunken ship near the village | Seed Minecraft

Затонувший корабль рядом с деревней screenshot 14930790756336430031 A sunken ship near the village for Minecraft is a great opportunity to go on an exciting adventure that will allow you to easily succeed and find new motivation. More precisely, this seed introduces a whole village with various foods and golems, where you can profit from numerous treasures and gain new allies for your further development. 

Затонувший корабль рядом с деревней screenshot 2

Near the village, you can find a sunken treasure ship that will certainly allow you to advance in your survival. In general, the seed can help you enjoy your game and improve your gaming experience. We wish you good luck and all the best!

Затонувший корабль рядом с деревней screenshot 3

Number of seed: 4930790756336430031

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (1)

__BNKA__ 17/02/2025 16:03
0 0
это не роботает :(