
-514470111 An Ocean, Glaciers, and Underwater Temple | Seed Minecraft

-514470111 An Ocean, Glaciers, and Underwater Temple screenshot 1-514470111 An Ocean, Glaciers, and Underwater Temple seed for Minecraft offers to go on an amazing journey that invites one to explore three areas at once. Thus, at first you, will have to explore the underwater world that will please not only interesting locations but also an underwater temple.

It will be quite large and interesting, so it is worth staying longer there. And as soon as you are ready, you can go on your way and enjoy the elaborate glaciers that will surely please you with their expanses and interesting moments. In short, enjoy and get the most out of the game.

-514470111 An Ocean, Glaciers, and Underwater Temple screenshot 2

Number of seed: -514470111

How to create a world with this seed:

First step: go to create a world and select "Advanced".

Second step: in the "generation Key" field, enter the sid number presented above.

Third step: Click the "Create world" button.

Comments (1)

LOLKEKNOOB_SL 13/05/2020 12:15
0 0