Ziipzaap for Minecraft 1.15.2
Ziipzaap's for Minecraft is a special add-on that focuses solely on the implementation of wholly new visual effects. A whole team is working on this improvement, which constantly updates the mod and provides fans with the opportunity to take a fresh look at the interactive world.
This time the changes will affect not only the effects but also textures, animations, and much more. It will be enough just to go on a new adventure and see everything for yourself. But be ready for high system requirements, as you just won’t be able to do without a powerful PC.
How to install a shader:
First step: download the shader package from the link below.
Second step: Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the Ziipzaap folder to c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\(if this folder does not exist, create it yourself) (For Windows)
Third step: In the game, go to Settings, then to Resource Packs. There, click on the icon in the left list of the new shader package.
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