
Ziipzaap for Minecraft 1.15.2

Ziipzaap's screenshot 1Ziipzaap's for Minecraft is a special add-on that focuses solely on the implementation of wholly new visual effects. A whole team is working on this improvement, which constantly updates the mod and provides fans with the opportunity to take a fresh look at the interactive world. 

Ziipzaap's screenshot 2

This time the changes will affect not only the effects but also textures, animations, and much more. It will be enough just to go on a new adventure and see everything for yourself. But be ready for high system requirements, as you just won’t be able to do without a powerful PC.

Ziipzaap's screenshot 3

How to install a shader:

First step: download the shader package from the link below.

Second step: Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the Ziipzaap folder to c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\(if this folder does not exist, create it yourself) (For Windows)

Third step: In the game, go to Settings, then to Resource Packs. There, click on the icon in the left list of the new shader package.


Comments (8)

BlackWhitePlay 17/02/2024 12:51
0 0
Архив битый о кб

nikparker 27/11/2023 23:05
0 0
ну и зачем это делать? архив 0 кб = битый архив, и другие коментаторы тому доказательство

CulturalRattus 26/10/2022 04:40
1 0
пустой архив

yssr_kkkp 14/10/2022 06:34
0 1

BlackWhitePlay 17/02/2024 12:52
0 0
@yssr_kkkp, Архив битый так что не притворяйся

vladserg14 14/10/2023 04:35
0 2
@yssr_kkkp, лжьмитлмиттиьтиьмтл

_Blue_Rainbow_Friend_ 16/04/2022 08:59
2 2
Битый архив

Hooepootalo 03/04/2022 13:45
2 1
пустой архив