
Chocapic V6 for Minecraft 1.16.4

Chocapic V6 screenshot 1Chocapic V6 for Minecraft has become a real find for many game fans. All because a large number of people worked on this improvement, so you will be able to enjoy strong enemies and unusual visual solutions in the atmosphere of this virtual world. 

Chocapic V6 screenshot 2

By the way, the mod is designed exclusively for those players who love to solve puzzles or try to use any hints to cope with a particular problem. You might have thought that you will be bored just stand and watch, but this is not actually necessary. So, you can safely start to act and enjoy each moment of your adventure.

Chocapic V6 screenshot 3

How to install a shader:

First step: download the shader package from the link below.

Second step: Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the Chocapic V6 folder to c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\(if this folder does not exist, create it yourself) (For Windows)

Third step: In the game, go to Settings, then to Resource Packs. There, click on the icon in the left list of the new shader package.


Comments (104)

OzuPasha 09/02/2025 08:26
0 0
It is very good shader

Goddinx 04/09/2023 18:54
0 1
GODD this shader is good fps boost

ddangg 24/06/2023 14:13
0 0
ko cs ban low hay medium a

ddangg 24/06/2023 14:13
0 0
ko cs ban low hay medium a

ddangg 24/06/2023 14:13
0 0
ko cs ban low hay medium a

ddangg 24/06/2023 14:13
0 0
ko cs ban low hay medium a

Maximus_3000gg 22/01/2023 11:52
0 3
у меня нету этого пака в списке доступные

139_Kiramc 30/05/2022 06:33
0 0
;-; shader nó lạ vãi ò

mauwkin 29/05/2022 08:41
0 3
походу я тут один из украины (i think i'm here alone from ukraine)

phong_dino_ 28/05/2022 10:35
0 0
cài thế nào

Fabio_Gamer070809 24/04/2022 18:50
0 0
'nao e um mod e um tonalizador

MoonyMoon114 16/02/2022 09:14
0 0
laggy but realistic

supersanti365 27/11/2021 19:53
0 0
que buen mod

TheZombiePigman1701 08/11/2021 23:20
0 0
¿Alguien me ayuda como lo instaló?, pienso que es opciones pack de texturas y lo pegas hay y ya o no es así?

TheZombiePigman1701 08/11/2021 23:12
0 0
¿Alguien me ayuda como lo instaló?, pienso que es opciones pack de texturas y lo pegas hay y ya o no es así?

hafiz324832 04/11/2021 10:04
1 0
This is very smooth in this shader

amir_dije12345 02/11/2023 14:10
0 0
@hafiz324832, امیر

amir_dije12345 02/11/2023 14:10
0 0
@hafiz324832, امیر

mdcbarandin 31/08/2021 18:57
0 0
mdcbarandin 01

Todorokwi 08/08/2021 15:22
0 1
Very Laggy

Iamrealsammaxey 03/08/2021 05:59
0 0
when i use every shader for minecraft 1.16.4 it forgeOptifine it wont work it'll just let me stuck to the loading screen.

Iamrealsammaxey 03/08/2021 05:58
0 0
when i use every shader for minecraft 1.16.4 it forgeOptifine it wont work it'll just let me stuck to the loading screen.

Sad_cat008 23/06/2021 23:21
0 1
cool shaer its cool

vakuna2011 21/06/2021 08:20
0 0
cool shader

OfUnqnswer_ 31/05/2021 06:50
0 0
umarım olur

OfUnqnswer_ 31/05/2021 06:44
0 0
SHADERPACK sandım ama deyilmiş

OfUnqnswer_ 31/05/2021 06:42
0 0
umarım olur

Icecream0718 31/05/2021 05:14
0 0
Does not work :(

hdsahd 20/05/2021 04:18
0 0
i cant drag IT

aazertyuiop 12/05/2021 02:41
0 0
I cant drag the pack into game

Botraal 05/05/2021 11:04
0 0
good shader pack

Mark_HUNGARY 27/04/2021 07:46
0 0
Its very laggy (for my intel core i3 processor)

LebedevaE 18/04/2021 07:28
0 0

alex_Brad55 16/04/2021 11:07
0 0
this dosent work explain how to make the folder if we dont have it

Sharingan6546 16/04/2021 05:26
0 0
works perfectly

Sharingan6546 16/04/2021 05:25
0 0
really good

jvppan 11/04/2021 12:05
0 0
i tried for more than 10 times i can't open it/try it

jvppan 11/04/2021 12:05
0 0
i tried for more than 10 times i can't open it/try it

sanjeepkeot 07/04/2021 02:27
0 0
How to use it

sanjeepkeot 07/04/2021 02:26
0 0
How to use it

Darkrider98 05/04/2021 06:32
0 0
my pc can't handle it my mc blacks out :(

Sim_wee 02/04/2021 20:48
0 0
hi i sim_wee

KrunGamer 31/03/2021 02:24
0 0
i can use the shaders :(

BloodyMoonlight 30/03/2021 08:24
0 0
I'm trying to unpack it

Musyaffa_family 25/03/2021 04:06
0 1
how to get this shaders?

gakbener 25/03/2021 03:32
0 0
how to unpack?

Mannysiri 23/03/2021 05:10
0 0
Great shader

airzhxii 20/03/2021 08:58
0 0
Майн крашнулся и не востанавливается , спасибо! На самом деле я не понимаю из-за чего такая проблема. я удалила все текстурпаки и другие шейдеры, которые тоже НЕ работали.

Sidik08 19/03/2021 18:02
0 0
почему то не появляется новый шейдер

Sidik08 19/03/2021 18:02
0 0
почему то не появляется новый шейдер

Semih_Macit 19/03/2021 08:37
0 0

mayonaka_kara 18/03/2021 11:50
0 0
how do i unpack?

hena_vii 18/03/2021 07:54
0 0
So Pretty and Aesthetic

MaxThePro123 17/03/2021 17:44
0 0
op its so good

thenuka_344 17/03/2021 14:01
0 0
its good

XxRien 17/03/2021 04:04
0 0

bibimkai 16/03/2021 12:39
0 0
its good :D

alvirafidelliap_ 16/03/2021 03:53
0 0
not install :<

leylalapequeUwU 14/03/2021 18:01
0 0
not install :c

zakki1234567891011 14/03/2021 14:39
0 1
good iam not install

Shadeline 14/03/2021 08:44
0 0
i cant install it :(

Incomplitable 14/03/2021 04:23
0 0
op shader

Vicuchy 13/03/2021 19:32
0 0

Lisewka 13/03/2021 13:04
0 0
mam pytanie jak zroić tego shadera pytam się ponieważ pobieram go a nie mam

cosmos1154 13/03/2021 08:00
0 0
this shader is EXTREAM shader but my PC is not that good So how to make it MEDIUM shader

EdItOr32 13/03/2021 06:07
0 0

SynagogueDog 13/03/2021 02:49
0 0

orielG 12/03/2021 20:28
0 0
how to use it?

SSSniperFox365 12/03/2021 02:24
0 0
Hope my pc don't break with the shader :(

demon1896 11/03/2021 19:24
0 0
c:\Users\User\AppDataoaming\.minecraftesourcepacks\(if this folder does not exist, create it yourself) (For Windows)

JosePlayzGame 11/03/2021 14:14
0 0
I hope my PC won't break with the shader :(

Edgarplay777 11/03/2021 08:24
0 0

Arayanotfound 11/03/2021 03:21
0 0
how to activate it

AkAsH12 11/03/2021 02:56
0 0
hello op shader

Fe8800 10/03/2021 03:03
0 0
tem para a versão 1.16.5?

lolpog12345 09/03/2021 06:34
0 0
hi i love this shader

xivars 08/03/2021 19:29
0 0
thanks ! good job

EngineerbluTf2 08/03/2021 16:01
0 0
very good!

cvejnyfilda 08/03/2021 08:02
0 0
how i use?

cvejnyfilda 08/03/2021 08:01
0 0
how i instal?

Adopted_Kid 07/03/2021 06:11
0 0
liked it <3

ambade_kitta 07/03/2021 05:16
0 0
open minecraft 1.options 2.video settings 3.shaders 4.select shader 5.open game

ManawalkMC 07/03/2021 03:15
0 0
This shader is very good

brotr 06/03/2021 22:09
0 0
good good on

x_Hyntrix_x 06/03/2021 14:29
0 0
umm.what mean by unpack

Nuggetstststs 05/03/2021 22:08
0 0
i cant activate it why?

Tanvir2142 05/03/2021 10:58
0 0
how to activate it??.i cannot activate it :(

DripCheems 05/03/2021 10:03
0 0
e iam dream e e e e

Panda_mgl 05/03/2021 09:02
0 0
tnx col i like it

hassan78 04/03/2021 15:23
0 0
how to do it

herobrine2210 04/03/2021 09:36
0 0
awsome i love this

Marcusplaysonpc 03/03/2021 17:26
0 0
this is pog

THE_BINO 29/01/2023 10:00
0 0

THE_BINO 29/01/2023 10:00
0 0

Diveetiscool 03/03/2021 12:08
0 0
hello How you doing guys

maxgamer220 03/03/2021 02:33
0 0
esto me va a crashear al juego?

maxgamer220 03/03/2021 02:33
0 0
esto me va a crashear al juego?

zJOHNNEz 02/03/2021 20:31
0 0
como coloca ? ksksksksk

DRAGONGAMER99971 02/03/2021 16:29
0 0

stasikss123 02/03/2021 10:14
0 0
e tak średnio

datfemboy 02/03/2021 06:16
0 0
cool but i need winzip to download

Seplin 28/02/2021 19:23
0 0
Lmao I don't understand.

Kryptyzo 28/02/2021 06:58
0 0
hi guys im noob

_BabyYodaa_ 27/02/2021 12:24
0 0
amazing i love it