
CrankerMan’s TME for Minecraft 1.16.4

CrankerMan’s TME screenshot 1If you like to use diverse add-ons for adventures, we hasten to share our new find, associated with the in-game visual perfection. You will just need to install the CrankerMan's TME shader for Minecraft that will please you with various improvements in terms of lighting and highlighting all the unique beauty of the virtual world.

It will be enough just to take advantage of our current offer, and you can enjoy the beautiful game. An interesting feature of such a visual improvement is the range of several options and increased detail level during the night period.

CrankerMan’s TME screenshot 2

How to install a shader:

First step: download the shader package from the link below.

Second step: Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the CrankerMan’s TME folder to c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\(if this folder does not exist, create it yourself) (For Windows)

Third step: In the game, go to Settings, then to Resource Packs. There, click on the icon in the left list of the new shader package.


Comments (13)

byfranrizoli23 19/09/2023 02:28
0 0
funciona perfecto la verdad ! la verdad contento con el resultado !

DX3THRZ 01/09/2021 09:17
0 0
It works its good but laggy

DX3THRZ 01/09/2021 09:17
0 0
It works its good but laggy

zero-bg 15/08/2021 10:34
0 0
bruh i works in android

vanshopbolte 11/06/2021 07:04
0 0
no file there

NewbJepy 22/04/2021 08:12
0 0
welp doesent work

NewbJepy 22/04/2021 04:30
0 0
people say it doesent work ;-; idk imma test it out LOL

matt28km 15/04/2021 14:22
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oh man

VILOHIT_GAMING 12/04/2021 10:46
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megustasermarlo 23/03/2021 19:54
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pero ami si me funciona ;-; pd: ta wenisimo

saniehehq 23/02/2021 08:29
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что это

elstickgamer 21/02/2021 04:48
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sip,no funciona

GamerBoy4U 17/02/2021 10:56
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Doesnt work