
ProjectLUMA for Minecraft 1.16.5

ProjectLUMA screenshot 1Lighting plays a significant role in the expanses of your favorite game. It is responsible for a large number of diverse experiences, so we suggest you download ProjectLUMA torrent to your PC and enjoy each moment of your journey. 

ProjectLUMA screenshot 2

It will be enough just to have a good time and try to visit all the interesting locations. This is the only way you can appreciate the work of the modder who has managed to accomplish an incredible reworking of the game environment. You just have to simply enjoy each game element and get an unreal charge of positive emotions.

ProjectLUMA screenshot 3

How to install a shader:

First step: download the shader package from the link below.

Second step: Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the ProjectLUMA folder to c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\(if this folder does not exist, create it yourself) (For Windows)

Third step: In the game, go to Settings, then to Resource Packs. There, click on the icon in the left list of the new shader package.


Comments (33)

Cawka0 24/01/2024 05:46
0 0
кусок [****]

Belysh_08 12/02/2024 11:48
1 2
@Cawka0, Ты про себя или протиф ково?

RehanKhan785 10/05/2023 17:14
0 0

ginez1sss 01/12/2022 19:25
1 2
как их поставить в майнкрафт

Aleksandra_Lazkova 24/02/2024 14:39
0 1
@ginez1sss, так над кнопкой скачать написано

Red_chel 22/03/2022 12:32
0 1

CassIsDeadXD 19/03/2022 07:53
1 0
umm i didn't want it but i write a comment only i like writing

111requem111 18/03/2022 14:08
0 1
это для пк?

Ziatherock 18/03/2022 10:24
0 0
Nice shaders

Ziatherock 18/03/2022 10:23
0 1
Nice shaders

_Cofee_cute0 17/03/2022 17:31
0 0

_Cofee_cute0 17/03/2022 17:31
0 0

_Cofee_cute0 17/03/2022 17:30
0 0

0_0_shoma_0_0 11/03/2022 19:13
0 0

JarTur22345 05/03/2022 08:36
0 0
i like this shaders

Nhat_asuma 02/03/2022 13:49
0 0
how to use shaders? guys ?

SKORPIO3019 20/02/2022 06:46
0 0
i have to buy the shaders!

Abibik_Official 19/02/2022 20:15
0 0
Bruh, so bad low FPS. BUT I have good PC. Use Make Ultra Fast Shaders.

Abibik_Official 19/02/2022 20:15
0 0
Bruh, so bad low FPS. BUT I have good PC. Use Make Ultra Fast Shaders.

ALLAROUNDME 19/02/2022 18:32
0 0
oh theres people here too

yurkakuka 17/02/2022 10:32
0 0
top sheiders

Matrix5424 07/07/2023 13:58
0 0
@yurkakuka, @yarkakaku

Matrix5424 07/07/2023 13:58
0 0
@yurkakuka, @yarkakaku

Matrix5424 07/07/2023 13:58
0 0
@yurkakuka, @yarkakaku

Matrix5424 07/07/2023 13:58
0 0
@yurkakuka, @yarkakaku

Matrix5424 07/07/2023 13:58
0 0
@yurkakuka, @yarkakaku

Matrix5424 07/07/2023 13:58
0 0
@yurkakuka, @yarkakaku

Karolek2022 16/02/2022 12:19
0 0
uluyhjnmu7y6tgbhnjuygbhytrfcvbnjhfdxcjgfv hgtfgvb gtrgfvbgtfrgfvbgtrgvbgtr5

VladDozhdik 15/12/2021 16:01
0 1
BRUH. Why all talking about it doesnt work it poop etc. Just before downald i check comments..

unwantedz 11/12/2021 08:01
0 0
if not work you are stupid The zip dont extract pick your shader copy the shader and paste to shaderpack file stupid

zenonKos 05/11/2021 18:36
0 0

Monika012 02/11/2021 12:10
0 0
Bruh not working :|

Kristijanx_ 10/10/2021 14:17
0 0
how bro it doesnt work, i went there and did all the steps but it wasnt in the left lane, i went on the resource packs below the left lane and it was there, i duble tapped it but it just lead me to it. I dont know how to put it on, can u explain it to me somehow? please, i was looking for a shader pack for days and days, i find it but i dont know how to put it on bcz it isnt there.