
Voyager for Minecraft 1.18.1

Voyager screenshot 1Voyager is a popular series of improvements that allows one not only to have a good time but also to enjoy high-quality gameplay. And to personally appreciate the achievements in this segment of shader improvements, we suggest that you consider using the Voyager add-on for Minecraft. 

Voyager screenshot 2

The enhanced version of this mod will not only allow you to have a good time in the expanses of the updated world, featuring a lot of content, improved effects, and much more. Together, all these elements will allow you to enjoy the gameplay, along with the atmosphere of an incredible adventure. We wish you good luck!

Voyager screenshot 3

How to install a shader:

First step: download the shader package from the link below.

Second step: Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the Voyager folder to c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\(if this folder does not exist, create it yourself) (For Windows)

Third step: In the game, go to Settings, then to Resource Packs. There, click on the icon in the left list of the new shader package.



Kiselchik_201230/08/2023 16:15
а почему нельзя просто скачать и добавить в пакеты ресурсов?
Ivan0708788726/02/2022 12:38
@crashmilan, заходите в загрузки (если у вас виндовс) находите там папку с шейдерами, копируете ее. Затем запускаете тлаунчер нажимаете на значок папки справа внизу, и у вас откроются папки игры. Нужно найти папку "shaderspack" открыть ее и вставить папку. Главное не распаковывать.
crashmilan21/02/2022 13:49
как распаковать и где вояджер