
BSL for Minecraft 1.19

BSL screenshot 1The BSL shader for Minecraft 1.19 is a nice and elaborate version of the pack for the game, which allows one to transform the cubic world and bring it closer to the real conditions of life and the environment. 

BSL screenshot 2

You will no longer notice all these cubes but will be able to completely focus on enjoying the pleasant water glare, reflections, shadows, cloud gaps, sunrays, moon’s reflection in the water, as well as the swaying of grass and other vegetation if it rains. Moreover, the shader properly renders volumetric clouds that have significantly transformed and become very different from the vanilla ones.

BSL screenshot 3

How to install a shader:

First step: download the shader package from the link below.

Second step: Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the BSL folder to c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\(if this folder does not exist, create it yourself) (For Windows)

Third step: In the game, go to Settings, then to Resource Packs. There, click on the icon in the left list of the new shader package.



Comments (20)

syedmuhammadmusa 28/07/2023 07:08
0 0
and how to download

syedmuhammadmusa 28/07/2023 07:08
0 0
but how to use

beniciomonsores07 01/07/2023 19:01
0 2
nossa legal ????

NoreXemo 25/06/2023 17:36
0 2
Woah Cool !

Themongoles78 28/03/2023 15:31
1 0
comment on le met svp je n'arrive pas a le mettre il ne veut pas s'afficher sur le truc ou il y a les pack

MIKIRESI 15/02/2023 19:39
1 2
pliz sheider

VicHmCw 14/01/2023 10:08
1 3
how to do it?

Jelfixs 26/12/2022 20:43
1 4
I love this shaders

crevie 26/10/2022 22:11
3 0
nu pick me

Diadem_5 24/12/2022 14:06
1 2
@crevie, I don't think this has anything to do with the shader

crevie 26/10/2022 22:11
1 1
nu pick me

crevie 26/10/2022 22:11
2 0
nu pick me

crevie 26/10/2022 22:11
2 0
nu pick me

crevie 26/10/2022 22:11
2 0
nu pick me

crevie 26/10/2022 22:10
2 0
nu pick me

crevie 26/10/2022 22:10
3 0
nu pick me

crevie 26/10/2022 22:10
3 0
nu pick me

crevie 26/10/2022 22:10
5 0
nu pick me

crevie 26/10/2022 22:10
3 0
nu pick me

rayanbadboy 11/09/2022 17:23
3 4