
PvP+ Faithful Revamped for Minecraft 1.15.2

PvP+ Faithful Revamped screenshot 1If you like to spend time in PvP, then you will certainly need various improvements. For example, today we offer you to use the PvP+ Faithful Revamped texture pack for Minecraft that allows you to optimize the entire environment, improve performance, and make the game more comfortable. 

At the same time, the designer tried not to change the textures much, to focus on animation and effects, etc. Now fighting with other players will be much more interesting and no lag or effect will spoil your results anymore. In short, you just need to test this improvement and try to get the new emotions to the max. We wish you good luck!

PvP+ Faithful Revamped screenshot 2

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download and install PvP+ Faithful Revamped

Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks

Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack


Comments (76)

arand4_007 07/02/2025 03:57
0 0

mahmoudiwhgdfgah 16/07/2024 13:10
1 0
tbh its ok!

itsyassinee 19/12/2023 16:19
1 1
not bad for me

ALEX_KRAK2 02/12/2021 19:38
1 0
muy bueno

ALEX_KRAK2 02/12/2021 19:38
1 0
muy bueno

_jmnt771_ 14/09/2021 22:20
1 1
t looks like a copy of the 32x32 textures but it's ok

TestedSpider342 21/06/2021 11:11
0 0
Awesome pack. I think som1 should do this for Bedrock Edition too. If there's Bedrock link, I will have this texture pack for Bedrock and Java :) Minecraft is Minecraft, have fun playing Minecraft, Java players and Bedrock players :))

TheFireWind 25/03/2021 02:13
0 0
no estan mal

TheFireWind 25/03/2021 02:13
0 0
no estan mal

wllbv 07/03/2021 14:09
0 0
poggers this looks good for pvp

TastyCompot1 30/11/2020 11:43
0 1

kenziegamer 10/11/2020 03:57
0 0
what is recuerspack

prolink20 07/10/2020 13:12
0 0
were is legendary modes in minecraft 1.15.2

UnkownMask 27/07/2020 08:57
0 0
Honestly,amazing but I could say you could have made the bow a bit better.

djzusius 20/07/2020 23:26
0 0

saha_Titov 09/07/2020 20:11
0 0

saha_Titov 09/07/2020 20:11
0 0

ilaygame10 26/06/2020 05:46
0 0
англечане хреновы

aze_pro 21/06/2020 19:20
0 0
pas mal mais il y a pas de Faithful

Bagas1150 20/06/2020 12:29
0 0
I w ill check it

Tdikristof 09/06/2020 08:17
0 0
very good this is my favorite texture

BaoMC09 31/05/2020 05:03
0 0
Its very cool I downloaded its nice

BaoMC09 31/05/2020 05:03
0 0
Its very cool I downloaded its nice

Hamzeh281 27/05/2020 15:27
0 0
nice texture pack.

vic101earth 24/05/2020 15:43
0 0
love this texture pack

AleDailer 22/05/2020 20:51
0 0
Hola chicos yo los ayudo hay un video en i canal de youtube AleDailer

Pandartx 22/05/2020 03:33
0 0
._.xd no entendi :v

HIGHvicho 20/05/2020 15:19
0 0
no se como poner al mod ayuda

sebastian0056 20/05/2020 14:07
0 0

GOLDEN-HAXER2020 20/05/2020 06:43
0 0

MineMojang91 19/05/2020 23:15
0 0
Solo descargan despues se van a donde tienen el archivo le dan click derecho extraer aqui y despues buscan una carpeta con el nombre del archivo click derecho copiar despues apretan el boton que esta a el lado de Ctrl + R y se van a .minecraft y despues recurepacks y lo pegan y despues en el minecraft se a opciones y le dan a packs de recursos y si esta el archivo que descargaron le dan ala flechita y ya esta

CreamyXXX 19/05/2020 22:10
0 0
Como descargo?

Ezreal223 19/05/2020 17:34
0 0
Que genial

Bill476 19/05/2020 01:00
0 0

Mokz 18/05/2020 18:27
0 0
how do you apply it?

Taihouuwu 18/05/2020 17:20
0 0
Uy OwO

oDaiCuNikita 18/05/2020 16:58
0 0
How to dowload?

Yt_Sempai 18/05/2020 12:26
0 0
How to download?

EdiGamerYT20_11 17/05/2020 10:54
0 0
How to download?

BaoMC09 16/05/2020 11:39
0 0
How to download?

DavidplaysMC 16/05/2020 11:01
0 0
*lip smirk* nice!

hilbertmoran96 16/05/2020 06:03
0 0
woao it looks beautiful!

hilbertmoran96 16/05/2020 06:01
0 0
never mind LOL

hilbertmoran96 16/05/2020 06:00
0 0
how I download?

junbateralv 15/05/2020 23:14
0 0
assim so a espada que n e tao bonita assim mas da pro gasto

oliverpro712 15/05/2020 17:05
0 0

DeadManPlays 15/05/2020 10:58
0 0
nice texture pack

ImY0unG 15/05/2020 04:28
0 0

kidbengas1mim 14/05/2020 19:44
0 0

Lari22 14/05/2020 17:12
0 0
no lo probe pero creo q va a estar bastante bueno

pexdro500 14/05/2020 05:17
0 0
alguem me ajuda

Kuiwbix_zd 13/05/2020 21:28
0 0
que minecraft mas mejor

M4M4-__-HU3V0S 13/05/2020 12:14
0 0
muito bom!

LuizPlayer 12/05/2020 22:12
0 0
UAU muito bom

fernandproaxo3 12/05/2020 18:54
0 0

MarcosCampos 12/05/2020 18:28
0 0
muy hermoso xd

Winsler 12/05/2020 02:03
0 0

gustaboosgg 11/05/2020 17:38
0 0
wao :)

TheDarkShadow3431v1 11/05/2020 15:52
0 0

mariola_yt 11/05/2020 06:34
0 0

yCueyia 10/05/2020 23:19
0 0
eu quero coloca a minha skin po não as skin daqui oxe

NOEMI9988 10/05/2020 21:44
0 0

NOEMI9988 10/05/2020 21:41
0 0
no se si me funcionara

thurkkjj 10/05/2020 19:04
0 0
OK como q bota no minecraft?

ZackFrutz 10/05/2020 12:48
0 0
how do we play together

kariale13 10/05/2020 04:46
0 0
es muy bueno

ranitaemo 10/05/2020 03:26
0 0
alguien vende agua?

Sasuke_010 09/05/2020 23:09
0 0
tengo tantos mods que ni puedo entar

rogger27 09/05/2020 20:58
0 0

mahadesh 09/05/2020 20:15
0 0
wow looks like real life

griansher 09/05/2020 16:11
0 0

TighiYT 09/05/2020 14:00
0 0

netorion 08/05/2020 18:45
0 0

goktu_10 08/05/2020 10:52
0 0
yalancılar bende hiçbir şey olmadım????????

KoliksMru 08/05/2020 06:59
0 0
Cкачиваю посмотрим что будет:)

Monolit_1243 08/05/2020 04:43
0 0
rktdsq ntrcnehgfr