
Authentic Shadows for Minecraft 1.16.4

Authentic Shadows screenshot 1Authentic Shadows for Minecraft is a quite simple and small texture pack that affects an important element of the adventure — shadows. While earlier almost every object had a standard round shadow, after installing this texture pack, you will be able to enjoy the fact that thanks to the work of the designer, the shadows have received shape. 

Believe us — even such a small change will favorably affect the entire game adventure. You will enjoy each game moment as well as the fact that you have made the game much more pleasant by changing it only a bit. In short, explore and enjoy the updated atmosphere.

Authentic Shadows screenshot 2

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download and install Authentic Shadows

Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks

Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack.


Comments (25)

timmygwa 11/03/2022 14:52
0 0
pls make for 1.8 the new 1

_SoFIE4kaUWU 08/10/2021 10:41
0 0
не работает

chimuelo15161 12/05/2021 14:48
0 0
si es cierto xd

Tirrexaurio 27/03/2021 21:34
0 0
se nota que hay puros niñ@s que no saben ni escribir

MaTiYoLo 23/03/2021 10:17
0 0
nie działa

SHAFTT 10/03/2021 03:43
0 0
it doest work :/

lightboy25 25/02/2021 17:46
0 0
guys you have to download this resorce pack then go to download and put your resorce pack resorce pack folderthen back to minecraft and check the reosrce pack and you will find the the pack then moved to the right side not the left side

lightboy25 25/02/2021 17:46
0 0
guys you have to download this resorce pack then go to download and put your resorce pack resorce pack folderthen back to minecraft and check the reosrce pack and you will find the the pack then moved to the right side not the left side

hubbytheminer61 24/02/2021 04:24
0 0
its not working

Frosia84 19/02/2021 11:31
0 0
не работает

Create3003 18/02/2021 17:14
0 0
do the new update 1.17

foxgames8000 08/02/2021 12:47
0 0
funciona de maravilaa

AnyxR 01/02/2021 21:00
0 0
funciona ?xd

ukcarl456892 01/02/2021 10:49
0 0
lets see

omer_kisa 28/01/2021 18:32
0 0
its not work

SaraYuji 23/01/2021 17:01
0 0
isso tem vírus?

vladsandu1 23/01/2021 15:37
0 0
Ps its not work

YasinBlt 22/01/2021 07:13
0 0
no work pf

humorekpl 20/01/2021 09:34
0 0
no add texur pack my antyvirus schats viruses

i_Brian 18/01/2021 08:37
0 0
quite good

Lisek23 17/01/2021 18:46
0 0
Doesn't working

segev178 16/01/2021 18:35
0 0
hihihihihi hi lh

artperem 16/01/2021 10:21
0 0
не работает

afrikanskievropec 15/01/2021 15:40
0 0
its acctually realistic idk why its great

fronteran 12/01/2021 15:37
0 0