
Improved Default for Minecraft 1.16.5

Improved Default screenshot 1Improved Default for Minecraft 1.16.5 is a quite recent texture pack, the designer of which has changed those textures that, in his opinion, did not look particularly attractive and did not fit with the game world at all. 

Improved Default screenshot 2

You will notice the changes in brick and prismarine blocks, which have received a purple-copper design making them more aesthetically pleasing. The sand will now feature patterns making this block look more realistic. You could see similar patterns on the soul sand. Many blocks, such as polished stone, iron, and lapis lazuli, no longer have external outlines. You will also notice changes in other blocks and tools. So, if you are interested in this add-on, be sure to download it and appreciate all the changes in the game world!

Improved Default screenshot 3

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download and install Improved Default

Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks

Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack.


Comments (1)

achrafgamer777 19/08/2022 19:45
0 0