Quiz's 3D for Minecraft 1.17
Have you ever thought about the fact that some objects in the game world lack 3D textures? If you would like to bring these changes, you should consider using the Quiz's 3D texture pack for Minecraft 1.17, which may appeal to you.
The resource pack is still under development, so the designer will try to release as many 3D models as possible for those items that require them. At the moment, 3D models have been created for the bow, crossbow, sweet berry bushes, pointed dripstone, and amethysts. The list will be extended over time, so we should expect updates. All the textures feature the vanilla style, so you should not worry about this.
How to install the texture pack:
First step: download and install Quiz's 3D
Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks
Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack
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