
Super Xray for Minecraft 1.17

Super Xray screenshot 1Super Xray for Minecraft is a special texture pack that invites you to go on an adventure and enjoy a whole new atmosphere of adventure. This plugin not only features several different settings but also guarantees their proper functioning.  

Super Xray screenshot 2

You will now be able to easily remove all redundant textures and focus exclusively on the resources you need. This will allow you not only to easily get a lot of gameplay pleasure but also to reduce the time spent on finding necessary minerals. As for the main advantage, it is related to the fact that this improvement is optimized for the application with other mods.

Super Xray screenshot 3

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download and install Super Xray

Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks

Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack.



ArseniosTs16/03/2024 10:53
Oh no is broken
ArseniosTs16/03/2024 10:52
top Good xray
Buqra002205/08/2023 23:52
güncelleyin bozuk
joden12356528/04/2023 17:11
update please it is broken
deathisVenoM26/06/2022 18:21
nice work