
Classic Reimagined 8: RTX Edition for Minecraft 1.20.1

Classic Reimagined 8: RTX Edition screenshot 1Classic Reimagined 8: RTX Edition for Minecraft is an excellent opportunity not only to have a good time but also to check out the improvements regarding ray tracing simulation. The main feature of this add-on is that ray tracing transforms existing textures and lighting, which is directly related to classic textures.

Classic Reimagined 8: RTX Edition screenshot 2

This approach will surely please you and give you a unique chance not only to enjoy your new opportunities but also to get numerous positive emotions. Although ray tracing requires powerful hardware, it is visually pleasing and even perfect in some places. Please use it to enjoy your game and its updated atmosphere.

Classic Reimagined 8: RTX Edition screenshot 3

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download and install Classic Reimagined 8: RTX Edition

Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks

Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack.


Comments (8)

Jelibonoyunda 17/10/2024 19:01
0 0

sawa_gora 17/09/2024 14:29
0 0
ИНСТРУКЦИЯ! качаем зипку создаем папку в папке resourcepacks и называем ее например RTX кидаем в нее содержимое зипки готово может не сработать но мне помогло

matison57 20/01/2024 14:09
0 2
установил но не работает только небо изменилось

hananabod 01/01/2024 14:53
0 0
как установить то его

hananabod 01/01/2024 14:53
0 0
Нет там такой папки

killer02042 12/11/2023 12:14
0 2
текстур пак топ

matison57 20/01/2024 14:11
0 2
@killer02042, установил но не работает только небо изменилось, ты просто засунул в папку "resourcepacks" и включил в майнкрафте? или что то ещё? помоги пж

canetazul53 11/11/2023 00:25
1 0
é eu to abaixando se for bom eu vouto qui ok k