
Waifu Craft for Minecraft 1.20.2

Waifu Craft screenshot 1Would you like to embark on an exciting adventure and enjoy the beauty of your game world? Then, we invite you to install Waifu Craft for Minecraft. The main feature of your new adventure will be creating unique models for girls. These females will delight you with their pleasant anime-styled appearance and scare you since you will use these models for skeletons, zombies, and other similar creatures. 

Waifu Craft screenshot 2

Please remember that these newly introduced features will surely please you and allow you to get more unforgettable emotions than you might even think. We wish you good luck and all the best in your future exciting game!

Waifu Craft screenshot 3

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download and install Waifu Craft

Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks

Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack.



Scolit5AD128/04/2024 22:44
Здравствуйте! Не могу правильно поставить пак. Ему необходимо что то ещё? (Путь правильный, в игре ресурспак отображается. Но если его поставить над стандартным, то мобы становятся частично прозрачными и поломанными, если пак снизу, то отображаются обычные текстуры ) Пробовал на 1.20.2 1.20.3 и 1.20.4