
Wolf Girl for Minecraft 1.20.4

Wolf Girl screenshot 1Wolf Girl for Minecraft is an exciting and unusual texture pack that can change the appearance of wolves to make your gaming environment look better and improve your gaming experience. Therefore, in addition to the regular wolves, the game has a female version of these creatures. 

Wolf Girl screenshot 2

We won’t describe in detail how the wolves will change since it’s better to see it with your eyes. The main thing is to embark on an exciting adventure and be ready for a future discovery. Thanks to such changes, you’re sure to get a lot of positive emotions and enjoy your adventure. We wish you a pleasant pastime and further achievements!

Wolf Girl screenshot 3

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download and install Wolf Girl

Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks

Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack.


Comments (6)

_RocketFeruk_ 14/07/2024 05:54
3 1
втф че это ?

3BIHTAP 25/01/2024 12:46
6 1
чо ето за хня

_RocketFeruk_ 14/07/2024 05:55
3 0
@3BIHTAP, хз

3BIHTAP 25/01/2024 12:47
7 2
@3BIHTAP, *достал винтовку АК-47*

3BIHTAP 25/01/2024 12:47
7 1
@3BIHTAP, согл

3BIHTAP 25/01/2024 12:47
7 1