
Enderdragon Girl for Minecraft 1.21.3

Would you like to enrich your game world with a female dragon and improve your experience? In this case, you should probably pay attention to Enderdragon Girl for Minecraft, which will add distinctive female features, such as a change in the head, eye shape, and nostril shape.

From these new textures, you immediately understand she is a female dragon if no one tells you about what happened. Her wings, tail, and other body parts will also change and look more elegant. Even if the player gets the head of the ender dragon, this element won’t look the same anymore since it will become more feminine.

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download and install Enderdragon Girl

Second step: copy the texture pack to the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks

Third step: in game settings choose needed resource pack.


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