
Hidden Paintings for Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.15

Hidden Paintings screenshot 1You have probably noticed that the paintings present in the game are not so unique and interesting. Therefore, it's time to use the Hidden Paintings texture pack for Minecraft that will allow you to easily enjoy the completely new environment design options. You will be surprised how original and interesting the paintings the developers hid in the game files are. 

Now you will be able to enjoy decorating rooms or front arches with unique versions of paintings that will fit perfectly with any environment and design. It remains to wish you good luck and a great mood — now the visual component of the game will be much better.

Hidden Paintings screenshot 2

How to install texture pack:

First step: download the texture pack from the link below.

Step two: Unzip the downloaded archive and copy the Hidden Paintings folder to games\com.mojang\resource_packs (if this folder does not exist, create it yourself)

The third step: in the game, go to Settings, near the inscription sets of textures will be the Control button, click on it. In the left list will be copied texture pack, click on it to make it the first in the right list.


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