
Nilettor PvP for Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.16

Nilettor PvP screenshot 1Smooth textures are popular among players, so it remains only to actively use them and try to discover a variety of interesting content options. Thus, today we would like to suggest that you consider using the Nilettor PvP add-on for Minecraft. It is focused exclusively on smooth textures that will affect the entire content associated with PvP. 

Nilettor PvP screenshot 2

Therefore, to personally enjoy such content, it will be enough just to observe the environment and notice the interesting aspects of this add-on. We wish you good luck!

Nilettor PvP screenshot 3

How to install a texture pack:

First step: download the texture pack from the link below.

Second step: Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the Nilettor PvP folder to games\com.mojang\resource_packs (if this folder does not exist, create it yourself)

Third step: in the game, go to Settings, next to the Texture Sets label, there will be the Manage button, click on it. In the left list, there will be the copied texture pack, click on it to make it the first in the right list.


Comments (26)

topoyded_pvp 30/04/2022 19:59
0 0
muy bueno esta el texturpack

NiCoLas_0_oh 29/09/2021 13:21
0 0
El mejor la verdad uwu

xfanssito20 07/09/2021 21:05
0 0
muy bueno la verdad

X_gorditofacha_X 12/08/2021 00:33
0 0
Muy bueno

TakisASS 10/08/2021 15:06
0 0
esta re bueno me gusto un monton

AlejandroGamer1223 31/07/2021 18:02
0 0
Esta Re Bueno

nonoxx_yt 23/07/2021 17:18
0 0
on peut pas lancer

nonoxx_yt 23/07/2021 17:16
0 0
on peut pas lancer

ArtificialGamerz24 08/06/2021 14:25
0 0
i cant add the texture pack

xxx_DREAM 20/04/2021 13:33
0 0
ej a to jest 1.16.0 czy 1.16?

valen_koszko13 08/04/2021 03:36
0 0
esta re beuno el como

FNGAMEPLYER 26/03/2021 08:29
0 0
deve ser bom pelos comentários

ViperRoblox_YT 17/03/2021 08:19
0 0
why can't i see the texture sets table? Can any one help me with this problem

jhon2906 08/03/2021 20:37
0 0
ta chido

Xx_Dsteve_xX 01/03/2021 11:02
0 0
bruh why not working for me now :<

Xx_Dsteve_xX 01/03/2021 10:48
0 0
this is so amazing

ibbotje26 26/02/2021 17:06
0 0
i cant doe this

Matrixbro 24/02/2021 19:53
0 0
bruh really good

Daac2 24/02/2021 17:21
0 0
Nice texture pack!

N0VA16 02/02/2021 04:48
0 0
wew nice mod

omartubegaming 28/01/2021 12:37
0 0
oh i liked this mod it,s cool

Danyachka2021 19/01/2021 16:31
0 0

DKhol_BUX 24/12/2020 13:04
0 0
cяб , я такое и хотел

DKhol_BUX 24/12/2020 12:59
0 0

Robocop53 05/12/2020 02:46
0 0

Riddle1919 11/11/2020 14:39
0 0
cяб , я такое и хотел